April 2010 I was given the gift of being able to pick a puppy from a litter. I looked inside and there were 3 puppies. Big brown eyes, white and tan, and ears that looked like Doritos, one of of ears was curled back, apparently it was since birth, it eventually caught up to the other Dorito, I just knew you were supposed to be with me. You were only 2 months old.
You were my companion for 14 years, you were by my side as I went through so many crucial changes in my life. Anyone who knew me knew my Chanch. I’ll miss you until the end of time, I hope I gave you a good life and I hope you forgive me if I ever failed you. I was here to say goodbye and help you son you wouldn’t be in pain anymore, but I am now left with a missing piece of my heart. I hope you see you again someday my baby boy.