My perfectly precious princess, Pepper, went to heaven at 2 months old and 11 ounces. She was my miracle micro-kitty! I have taken in all the babies that were sent my way but this one little nugget of love just completely stole my heart! This little bundle of fur was simply pure joy! I miss her soft baby paws caressing my cheek, her beautiful eyes staring up at me when I called her name, feeding her while she grasped the bottle real tight, cradling her in her baby blanket as she fell asleep after a full meal, and her sharp baby teeth as she nibbled on my fingers during playtime! She left a void that I can’t begin to fill nor do I plan to. I miss her everyday and I’m glad she is back home with us where she belongs. I want to thank the lovely ladies at Blue Bonnet for taking such gentle care of my baby girl as well as all my other babies. Knowing my babies were well cared for helps me through the difficult transition of being physically without them. May God Bless you and us with many more years of your loving, caring services but I hope its a while longer before we see you again!
Pepper’s Family

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